Seamless Leasing Process

Leasing IPv4 addresses through IPv4.Global is a straightforward process designed to meet the needs of businesses looking to manage their IP resources efficiently. The process begins with registering an account on our platform.




Register as a Lessor or Lessee, and our team will thoroughly vet your account to ensure a smooth experience.


Express Interest

Specify whether you're offering, seeking, or both. Lessors can submit listing requests, while lessees may request available IPs.


Receive Matches

Our expert team at IPv4.Global will work with each client to find the perfect match for your specific needs.


Explore Leasing Hub

Explore the supply and demand statistics in the leasing market to assess lease prices, vacancy rates, and overall market health.


Sign Lease Agreement

Once a match is made, our team will assist you in finalizing the contract. During this phase, you'll have the opportunity to negotiate terms, after which a Lease Agreement will be electronically circulated to all parties for approval.


Lease Set Up

Our team will assist you in setting up IP announcements, assist with issuing Route Origin Authorizations (ROA) and Letters of Authorization (LOA), and overseeing the lease throughout the term. We also provide features such as: geolocation, rDNS management, and abuse management.


Lease End

Our team will monitor reputation issues, handle routing clearances, and ensure a smooth lease closure.


Lease Management

Once the lease is established, we will handle invoicing, collect payments securely through Hilco Escrow Account, and process payouts accordingly. Our experienced team will also provide ongoing support, assist with troubleshooting, and regularly monitor for any abuse.


For those with surplus addresses but uncertain of their future needs and/or those interested in converting excess holdings to an income-generating asset.


Leasing reduces the cash-flow impact of address expansion and can be tailored to startup or growing environments where predicting future needs is difficult.

To start leasing, as a lessor or lessee, register below.

New to leasing? Even if you are already registered in our marketplace as a buyer or seller, you will need to create a separate account for leasing.